Zakah donation – The Best Way to Purify Your Soul and Wealth in Islam

There are five core pillars which form the basis of Islam – declaration of faith (shahadah), five daily prayers (salah), annual obligatory charity of 2.5% of wealth (zakat), fasting during the holy month of Ramadan and the lifetime pilgrimage of Hajj. The Arabic word ‘Zakah’ or sometimes pronounced ‘Zakat’, means purification, growth and blessing. It reflects the idea that giving in charity is a form of purification and cleansing. This same concept is reflective of hair that grows healthier after a trim, and a plant that is pruned and cut in order for it to regrow and develop. Zakah donations are an obligatory charity. The purpose of Zakah is to truly help the poor and vulnerable, and there are eight categories of people among which your zakah donation should be distributed. These are: Al Fuqara – The poor Al-Masakin – The needy Zakat collectors Read more ...