Shining a bright light to the dark lives of street children with charity – watch this film!
In Pakistan, there are 1.5 million children living on the streets – a number that is both likely to be a conservative estimate, and one that is rapidly increasing due to poverty, frequent natural disasters and hardship. Children living on the streets anywhere and everywhere are denied of their basic rights to education, health, shelter, protection and care. They are not being raised with the love, care and safety of family or guardians, that every child should experience. Many have been abandoned by their parents or are escaping violence at home, but some come from families that are so vulnerable and impoverished that they’ve been forced onto the street to beg to put food on the table. Muslim Charity has been working in Pakistan since 1999, and is committed to helping children live a life away from the horrors of the street, with safe shelter, healthcare, and education. We are one of few charities for street children operating in Pakistan. Watch this film on the f...