How do you pay zakat?

In order to pay Zakat, it is important to begin by calculating how much Zakat you need to pay. Zakat varies from person to person, and from year to year, as it is a percentage of one’s wealth, which reflects how much income and expenditure you have at that specific time.

Muslim Charity has developed a Zakat Calculator to make this a lot easier for you, and take away the stress.

Our Zakat calculator is simple to use. All you need to do is insert your information into the various fields, and our Zakat calculator will do the hard work for you! You will be provided with the total Zakat donation you need to make.

Once you know how much Zakat you need to pay, you are able to pay your Zakat in any way you see fit. You can support a charity directly like Muslim Charity, and donate via our website or make a bank transfer. To find out more, feel free to call our team at any time and make sure your Zakat reaches those in need, in time.


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